Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hispanic and White Family Values

In modern society, family has a role in different individuals lives. Family values can differ according to one's race. White families are often portrayed as nuclear, which consists of the mother, father, and children. Hispanics would include their extended family such as cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. This shows the importance of a good relationship with close relatives to Hispanics, but not Whites. Below are examples on how White American family culture differs from Hispanic American family culture.

At dinnertime in the average white family's home, the mother is expected to put food on the table for her kids and husband. Eating all together is preferred, but not required. This setting is commonly the place for family arguments or discussions. On the other hand, Hispanics invite their extended family who each bring dishes. They come together to share a meal and enjoy socializing with each other.

This clip from Boy Meets World shows the typical white family dinner with just immediate members and distractions that can occur.

This clip from The George Lopez Show portrays the typical Hispanic big family dinner.

The Household: The number of people in households can often vary according to race as well. The typical white home has a mother, father, and two children. Hispanics usually have more children and include relatives in their home. If the relatives do not actually live with them, they live near by. In contrast, we tend to see white extended families living all over the country.
This picture portrays the typical nuclear white family.

Values for a White Family: According to Aulette (1994), White Americans tend to have a strong sense of family loyalty with clearly defined marital and parental roles. Family activities are structured and planned, and life follows an anticipated pattern (Carter, 1991).
This picture portrays the typical extended Hispanic family.

Values for a Hispanic Family: Hispanics are reported to have an extended, tight-knit, supportive family system (Hurtado, 1995; Jones & Korchin, 1982). Familismo (familism), or a strong sense of commitment, obligation, and responsibility, exists among family members (Hurtado, 1995; Zayas, 1992).

Special events: These are celebrated differently between White American families and Hispanic Families. Hispanic families often come together to celebrate events such as: baptisms, weddings, graduations, birthday parties, and other important holidays. White American families usually tend to celebrate special events among themselves with just the immediate family.

This picture portrays the small gathering of a White American family celebrating a child's birthday.
This picture portrays a Hispanic family celebrating a child's birthday party. If you notice the whole family comes together to celebrate.

The College Experience: College itself is filled with challenges and one of the challenges is trying to become independent on your own. White kids may go to college hundreds of miles away and go home to visit their family only on holidays or breaks. They would choose to see their friends over family on an average weekend. Hispanics have closer ties with their family. If they are not still living at home while going to college, they go home every other weekend. College students of Hispanic descent usually try not to stray away from home. If anything most Hispanics find it harder to leave home and choose to be educated at a college near by while living at home.

Here is a picture of a White college student calling home from college
Here is a picture of a Hispanic student who goes to college close to home

As you have received information through this blog, I hope we have left you with a better idea of the difference in cultures of the typical White American and Hispanic American families.


  1. Thank you for an interesting article.

    I have a few thoughts on your views:

    Hispanic is a mixed race of mostly native Indian, but also white Spaniard blood (European blood).

    Christianity is historically the white mans religion. Only white nations featured it until the Spaniards left Spain and sailed to the Americas. Once there they were outraged by the violence of what they viewed as pagan religions (the Aztec and other local native religions). So local religions were destroyed at sword point and Christianity forced on them. This is why Mexico and South America are Christian.

    The Spanish language is a white language. It comes from Europe where only whites live. Cortez, the Spanish man who landed in Mexico, had blond hair and blue eyes. I speak English and live in Texas. But obviously English comes from England. Spanish is a white language.

    The names of the Hispanic people, as well as the Latin alphabet itself, are white names. Juan, Miguel, Jose, Maria (number 1 name for girls in Germany is Maria, followed by Anna) and the Spanish last names that go with them, are all white names.

    The food of the Hispanic nations is all "bastardized" versions of the white mans cuisine. Cooking techniques and style of dishes are all very European. Mexican food is actually a mix of old Greek, Italian and Spanish (all white) style foods mixed with the local Indian traditions and culture.

    The values and core philosophies and morals of the Hispanic world are utterly based on white European and Christian values. To pretend that they are somehow different is laughable.

    These are all facts to any educated person.

    You likely live in a city where white families are wealthy, but spread out (high paying jobs demand it). In the countryside it's a far, far different story for white families (this shows a certain lack of travel and experience on your part; or a TV view of the world).

    Also, the most prestigious and expensive universities are not convenient (like the Ivy League schools). One must unfortunately live away for family during their university education. Local colleges are likely community college, and it's ironic that you don't notice the difference (and even class difference).

    I could go on but suffice it is to say that you are a good writer, but to be a great writer you must read more and gain more real-world experience to be able to view the world in a realistic fashion.

    But I will say that the white world is suffering some kind of trauma and increasing loss of self-awareness in its lower classes.

    1. And the human race originated in Africa. That shouldn’t discount the differences that occur within cultures today. No one in the USA looks at the name Juan and says it’s white - just ask Donald Trump. While you may believe these things you’ve written, you’re not focusing on what this article is really about. I don’t necessarily agree with everything written in this article but what you’re attempting to do is a disservice to the beauty of an evolved culture.

  2. Boy, it's difficult to respond to this article. We are a Hispanic family from Bolivia? We are white in Bolivia, but Latino in the USA. Although we are phenotypic white, we remain close as a family with aunts and uncles, cousins that are brothers and sisters... And now american born children with all kinds of last names that don't even sound Hispanic, for me we are white, but I would love to have a little brown so I don't get lobster red with a little sun I get in the summer

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
